European Youth Voice
Bad Honnef, Germany (2016-10-16 - 2016-10-23)

The European Internet newspaper European Youth Voice exist since 2006, this year another meeting takes place in a picturesque town Bad Honnef, close to bigger cities like Bonn or Cologne. Topic of this year's meeting is Escape,migration, living in Europe - a common future!

Number of participants: 4 + 1 group leader

Age limit: 18 - 26 years

Participating countries: Poland, Greece, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Latvia

Costs: 200,- CZK (administration fee), 65 EUR participant's fee, travel budget is 250 EUR, accommodation and meals are provided by the host organization

Info: For detailed schedule see infopack, accommodation -, previous EYV events -