Letos jsme poprvé připravili adaptační odpoledne pro žáky 1.ročníků na SOŠ Drtinova. Na této střední škole se dají studovat právní a diplomatické služby a jsme rádi, že jsme právě s touto školou nabízející tento unikátní obor navázali spolupráci.

The aim of this project is to come to terms with issues of employability and
entrepreneurship by providing participants with knowledge and skills necessary for
self-management, entrepreneurial competitiveness and the promotion of social
1. Achieving a common understanding of the terms “employability” in general and
their realization in different national contexts
2. Promoting a sense of initiative, empowerment and entrepreneurship as a proper
means of tackling youth unemployment
3. Creating a network of youngsters interested in entrepreneurship and social
change willing to further engage in these topics and ideally realizing future joint-
4. Getting to know the possibilities of EU programs and funds available to support
the reduction of youth unemployment
5. Promoting (inter)cultural dialogue and exchange among the participants and their
sending organizations