V4 setkání v Praze: Peddy Paper v centru Prahy

Zveřejněno 15.7.2015
Tento článek vznikl během mezinárodního projektu "Don't let them mess with you! across the border" v Praze. Projekt podpořil International Visegrad Fund. Autorkou článku je Aleksandra (Ola) Deren z Polska. Článek je zveřejněn v angličtině.

It was 7th of July. The arrival day. After everyone has arrived, after the dinner the Czech organizators had a surprise for us. They wanted to show us Prague but in a special way. At first all participants had to make 3 international groups. In each group there was also one of the Czech organizator. Every group received a list of 5 tasks. Before we split into groups, all together we came to Hradczany – Prague Castle. That was a start point.

Me and my group took a walk down through Hradczany and decided to make a task number 2 – take a selfie with a John Lennon wall. During a walk we saw many interesting places – like „love bridge" under the Charles Bridge" or monument of two guys peeing on the Czech Republic. So after a while we found the wall and we took a selfie there.

Our next task, number 3 – find out the real name of St. Vitus Cathedral – went quickly. The first Czech guy we met told us it is „Katedràla Sautého Vita". Then it came time for „interview at least 3 people on a street what they are proud of in the Czech Republic". We asked few random people and they were answering almost in a same way. „We are proud of our beer, history, culture and classical music." – they said.

Then we set up a direction on a Charles Bridge. On a way we were trying to find out a meaning of few Czech words and sentences. This task went quickly as well because we had in group Poles and Slovaks. Dêkuji means thank you, „Prosim" – Please, „Prál bych si" – I'd like to, „Dobry den" – Good morning, „Bez pràce nejsou kolâce" – Without work there wouldnt be a pie, „Nashledanou" – Goodbye.

Our last task was to take a picture in front of a Charles Bridge and count the number of statues. While crossing the bridge we counted up 28 statues.

Our group was the last one but we enjoyed our slow, long walk along the Prague's Old Town. Thanks to this game we were able not only to discover Prague but also had an opportunity to better know each other and solve our exercise together using an international dialogue.